Kelley receives MCB 2023 Adult Leader Award

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Scott Kelley represented Lamar Community Betterment as he received the Missouri Community Betterment 2023 Adult Leader Award. The award ceremony was held in Columbia on Monday, Oct. 23 and the various other award recipients were recognized at the Tuesday, Dec. 5 Lamar Rotary Club meeting. Kelley was unable to attend, so it was extremely fitting that he be recognized at the Plaza Theatre, where he and his family have dedicated so much of their life. The recognition was held before a full house on Thursday, Dec. 7, during a free Lamar Community Betterment showing of Elf that followed the Lamar Christmas Parade. Several families were on hand to enjoy the movie and Kelley received a round of applause from those attending in recognition of his continued hard work in making a difference in the community.
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