Christmas festivities draw large turnout

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Lamar Democrat/Melody Metzger
Many gathered at the Wyatt Earp Park for Christmas carols and entertainment that was provided prior to the 6 p.m. Barton County Chamber of Commerce Lighting Christmas Parade that was held Thursday, Dec. 7. The parade began at the northeast corner of the square, by Lamar Bank and Trust and traveled around the square, ending back where they started. A huge variety of entries, from floats, walkers, heavy duty equipment, emergency services equipment, floats, vehicles, the band, various entries that had appeared in the Irwin Horse and Mule Parade held back in November and of course no parade would be complete without Santa and Mrs. Claus making an appearance to signify the end of the parade. Following the parade Santa and Mrs. Claus were available at the Wyatt Earp Park to have picture taking with the young ones. Also offered following the parade was a free movie, “Elf”, sponsored by the Lamar Community Betterment.
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