Lamar Elks Lodge holds annual Easter Egg Hunt

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Lamar Democrat/Melody Metzger
The Lamar Elks Lodge No. 2800 held its annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 30, 12 noon, at the Lamar City Park. A total of 4,000 eggs were scattered throughout the park as sections were divided according to age groups, with those participating ranging from 0-12. Besides other goodies, there was $400 in cash prizes distributed in the eggs. The weather was extremely pleasant and an approximate 500 (including parents) attended the event. Prior to the hunt, the Lamar Police Department gave the Easter Bunny an escort, stopping in front of the enclosed shelter, where over 450 free hotdogs and drinks were handed out following the hunt. Those attending the hunt also had the opportunity to have their picture taken with the Easter Bunny.
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